Order and Order line custom attributes

Orders and Order lines are additionally described by custom attributes related to them. Any name-value combination is allowed to be custom attributes but only some are recognized and used by Billing API. Rest of those can be used for descriptive purposes or by third party applications. Descriptions of those used by Billing API is following.

Order custom attributes:

  • CampaignCode value Billing API uses to locate campaign and apply discounts based on that.

  • IpAddress value stores Billing API sets based on IP address of the client that placed an order. And by the client, I do not mean end user as someone would assume, but client application that uses Billing API methods.

  • PayByInvoice value can be true or false (default one). Is set to true, Billing API will not expect payment right away so order will never end up in 'Pending payment' status.

  • OrderOrigin Billing API uses to store information about the client that placed an order (Order Page, Customer Panel, Admin Panel, etc...). Value for this custom attribute is set by the client itself, so order set by third party application will not have this order attribute set by default.

  • Processing failure-{timestamp} value contains info about order processing failure reason.

Order line custom attributes:

  • DeliveryDate defines when from that order line is considered delivered to a customer. Value depends on product configuration.

  • DomainName is used for products from Domain category (Domains, Domain transfers, Domain renewals...) for defining a name of ordered domain. Further on, this value is used to prevent ordering dame domain twice.

  • AtomiaService defines service that will be provisioned after the order is being processed. Usually, one of several available website types is used for this purpose.

  • ProductName

  • TransferAuthCode is used for Domain transfer products to store authentication code required for successful transfer.

For more information you can always contact Atomia’s friendly support team.