
  • Customer you move domain from - Source customer
  • Customer you move domain to - Target customer

  1. Mark existing subscription as Terminated
    1. Login to Admin Panel
    2. Go to page Customers
    3. Locate Source customer and open his Customer Card, Subscriptions tab
    4. Locate all subscriptions related to the domain you want to move and open it
    5. Update status of subscription to 'Terminated'.
  2. Make transfer order
    1. Login to Admin Panel
    2. Go to page Orders > Add new order
    3. Select Target customer from Existing customer input field
      1. All needed fields should be filled with Target customer data automatically
    4. In the product summary table at the bottom, click the Select product ... dropdown
    5. Select product for transferring desired domain (differs from environment to environment, default is Transfer .tld)
    6. Set the price in input field Price to 0,00 (if not already set to that value)
    7. Click the link Edit product data for the selected product.
    8. In the category Order data, provide the following input:
      1. Name: DomainName
      2. Value: domain.tld (replace with the domain name to transfer)
    9. Click Add new field
    10. Provide the following input in the new fields:
      1. Name: AtomiaService
      2. Value: CsDomainParking / CsLinuxWebsite / CsWindowsWebsite (select type depending on what the domain should be configured as)
    11. Click Add new field
    12. Provide the following input in the new fields:
      1. Name: TransferAuthCode
      2. Value: abcd (any input is OK for an internal transfer).
    13. Click Close
    14. Click Save
    15. After system completes processing order, domain will be transferred (1 up to 20 minutes)