Action Trail is Atomia's centralized logging system. It collects all activity of various Atomia applications and keep record on them in database. Those records are accessible to clients by web application that can be used for troubleshooting issues with Atomia applications.

URL: Web application url is different for each environment but default url format is: https://actiontrail.{env_domain}/Tools/Logs.aspx

Browsing this URL will perhaps require visitor to authenticate himself. If you do not have access data, please contact system administrator or [email protected]

Searching options

There are several filtering options in Actin Trail that customer can (and is advised to) use: 

  • From - Logs recorder prior to this date will not be shown
  • To - Logs recorded after this date will not be shown
  • Number of results to show - Maximal number of logs to be listed in search results
  • Search text - Expected text in exception message
  • Like search - If for above text will be searched using LIKE command in SQL (not recommended since it's consumes more time)
  • Log type drop-down - Type of records to be shown, Information, Exception or All

Searching for exception if you have exception id

Sometimes it happens that Atomia application fails with message similar to "Operation failed. Please contact support with id XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX". However, before contacting support it is recommended that you try to troubleshoot this by yourself. Two reasons:
  • You might solve this by yourself if error message from action trail log is explanatory enough
  • Even if you do not figure out what the problem is, exception you have found in action trail will save time of support team which will improve support quality in general

So, how do you search for exception with specific id:
  1. By using From and To fields try to perform search in shortest possible time span. This will speed search up. In best case, you will be able to set boundaries within minutes minutes, but several hours or days is good enough if you are not aware of exact time of error.
  2. Use Search text field to paste exception ID you are searching for.
  3. Select Exception from error type drop-down menu.
  4. Hit Search logs button
In most cases this routine will provide exact error that happened. Sometime it will however provide reference to another error id in which case you should repeat this routine with new id until you get exact error message. But sometimes you will get no results. In such cases you can try to check Like search check-box. If this gives you no results as well, then contact [email protected]

Searching for exception if you do not have exception id

In case like this, your only search criteria is time of the exception. So you shall:
  1. By using From and To fields try to perform search in shortest possible time span. This will speed search up. In best case, you will be able to set boundaries within minutes minutes. This time hours and days will not do any good since we do not have exception id so search would provide to much results that you will not be able to narrow down in any way.
  2. Select Exception from error type drop-down menu.
  3. Hit Search logs button

This type of search will in most cases be useless unless you search right after error happened. Like seconds after that. And since you do not have action trail opened all the time to search for errors, this can be used for troubleshooting error that you can reproduce any time.  That way you can prepare action trail (and filtering options), reproduce error and hit Search right after error happens. But be warned, this can lead to misinterpreting log if some other part of the system logs error in same time so you can think that this is what caused your problem. This is why it is good to check if stack trace from exception makes sense in content of error that happened.