Installed and working Atomia platform
The following guide refers to outdated features, without the use of shops. Currently, you can emit the section for "Application Configuration" and the respective steps on "Activation" section regarding applications and, instead, after having added the product, proceed to do the same to the needed shops (eg.DefaultShop) on Admin Panel under Products>Shops.
Admin Panel
Adding a new TLD domain product is done with following steps
Go to Admin panel page for adding new products: https://admin.<domain>/Products/Add
Create new product with chosen properties. You can use COM product ( DMN-COM ) as an example for domain registration product. Change article number and description, of course.
Add description and don't forget to write down article number. We will need it for next steps. ( Lets say you added .example TLD and you gave it article number DMN-EXAMPLE )
Once product is added to the billing you need to enable it in the GUI applications. This is done in the same way for all three GUI apps ( HCP, BCUP, POP). For all three, in the "\bin\Transformation Files" folder, you should place transformation file for Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.dll.config
Application Configuration
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\Store\bin\Transformation Files\Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.dll.Products.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\PublicOrderPage\bin\Transformation Files\Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.dll.Products.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\bin\Transformation Files\Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.dll.Products.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingCustomerPanel\bin\Transformation Files\Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.dll.Products.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <hostingProductsConfigurationSection xmlns="Atomia.Web.Plugin.HostingProducts.Configurations" xmlns:xdt=""> <productsList> <!-- TLD we want to add --> <product id="DMN-EXAMPLE" articalNumber="DMN-EXAMPLE" productCategory="TLD" productValue=".example" resourceKey="DMN-EXAMPLE" xdt:Transform="Insert" > </product> </productsList> </hostingProductsConfigurationSection> </configuration>
Domainreg Configuration
After you added transformation files go to domainreg machine and edit file:
Add one <tld> section for TLD you want to add. You can use COM as example.
Example of <tld> section
<tld> name = example registry_type = opensrs supports_poll = 0 autorenew = 1 dri_timeout = 10 dri_remote_url = dri_username = yourdriusername dri_password = asldjaw98ujnfskf92u9wejr20920e24uhr853n32823en2ewrbhfreigfe203r2njrefo2 dri_driver = OpenSRS transliterate_contact = 1 transfer_include_contacts = 1 <contact_defaults> state = N/A fax = +381.18123456 </contact_defaults> <connection> process_name = .EXAMPLE registration ratelimit = 0 handles interactive handles registration handles renewal </connection> map_domainsearch_to = com </tld>
More examples with different plugins on the domainreg.conf can be found at:
To add a regular expression for TLD, go to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingCustomerPanel\App_Data\Transformation Files\atomiaRegularExpressionConfig.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\App_Data\Transformation Files\atomiaRegularExpressionConfig.config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\Storel\App_Data\Transformation Files\atomiaRegularExpressionConfig.config
and add the regular expression, something like:
<regularExpression name="DomainCOM">
Take note to replace [cC][oO][mM] with relevant TLD,
eg. for .SE you would have instead [sS][eE]
Recreate config files (C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingCustomerPanel\Recreate config files.lnk as administartor).
Apply all changes and restart webserver where GUI apps are by executing in PowerShell
C:\install\recreate_all_config_files.ps1 iisreset
Restart domainreg service:
service atomiadomainregistration-api restart