Managing email templates is done trough Settings -> Email templates page in Admin Panel. Mail section of the page holds list of existing templates. List shows template's name, reseller it belongs to (Owner), it's language, date fo creation, date when template was last modified, indication if template came with the system or it was custom made (Origin) and template's description.
To add new template there is 'Add mail template' on the left.
Adding template:
Fill in following fields:
Template name - This is name of the template. It should always end with either 'Subject' or 'Body'. All custom email templates are auto-prefixed with 'Customization'. So, example of template name would be 'CustomizationMyTemplateSubject' or 'CustomizationMyTemplateBody'.
Tag - Tags for personal organization of templates
Description - Describes template in more friendly way then it's name. For example 'Email subject for welcome email'
Owner - Defines reseller that template belongs to. If some reseller does not have certain template of it's own, then one that belongs to 100000 reseller (root reseller) is used
Language - Defines language that template is written with. If there is no customer's language for certain template, then default reseller's language is used.
Template type - Defines template's type. This is important as each type has different set of available place-holders to use.
Content - In case of templates ending with Subject, it holds subject of email to send. In case of templates ending with Content, it holds content of email to be sent.
Once you fill in all the data, you can test your template. Select some existing reseller from the list, Select some of it's invoices, credited invoices, orders or subscriptions, fill in test email address, hit 'Send test mail' and email filled with data of selected customer will be sent to test email address.
REMARK: Email templates created this way will not be automatically used by the system. This topic will be covered in different guide.