Creating new resellers

To add new resellers into Atomia, go to Administration panel > Settings > Reseller configuration and choose 'Add new reseller' from the left hand menu.

You will need to provide mandatory information such as main info and address information. Optionally you can add shipping and billing address to be different. All of these data is really self explanatory.

Then we come to the settings part of reseller configuration. These settings are very important and they differentiate what reseller will be able to do - so please be very careful with these settings.

Can access Admin Panel If this option is enabled, then you will be effectively creating reseller as a brand. Please consider following article #TODO: Add link for more information. When this is enabled this reseller will have access to Administration panel and will see and be able to manage almost all aspects of Atomia installation. Therefore, apply this only for the needs of your own company.

Can access Billing Panel Allows access billing panel in the (public) control panel. Allow this if your reseller will be performing payments towards you.

Can access Control Panel Allows access to customer control panel to manage purchased products and services.

Has Public Order Page Enable this option if reseller is / will: - be brand in Atomia system (basically your own part of company); - be affiliate and would like to have personalized / customized order page.

Can define own products This options also applies to resellers which will have access to Admin Panel. This option will allow them to access Administration panel menu option of creating and managing products.

Can define own prices Allows reseller to define own prices for the to be sold products. Only allow if reseller you are creating is part of your own company, never give access to your customers.

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