Setting up a product with staggered pricing (called counters in Atomia)

In Atomia it is possible to have volume based price discount setup as a part of the product setup. Meaning for example:

  1. Up to 5 units costs 2€

  2. 6 to 10 unts costs 1€

For the purpose of this Howto I am using an existing product, but of course you can setup a completely new product this way. Before we move one, please note that this only applies to products where Atomia can retrieve usage logs.

  1. Go the the “products” menu and click on “products”

  2. Search for the product for which you want to setup staggered pricing using counters

  3. Click on the product link to access the product card

setup counters1.png 

  1. Staggered pricing is only available for products where you have unit/usage based pricing, meaning products that you can buy/use multiple instances of. You have to check the usage based pricing.

  2. Set the name for the unit that you wish to measure

  3. Set the unit

  4. Set the first range of units and set the price for units in this range

  5. Set the second range of units and set the price for the units in this range

  6. If you wish you can add any number of additional ranges

setup counters.png

I hope that this Howto has been helpful, and remember Atomia’s friendly and skilled support is always ready to help. ·