1. Remove menuItem with name="OneClick" from appConfig.config via a transformation file.
2. Copy NewDefault\Views\Website\WebsitePartials\Loader.asxc to your theme and modify
your copy of the file from (2) by removing the <% if (showOneClick) { %> block
on lines 19-27.
3. Copy NewDefault\Views\Domains\Websites\_IndexScriptsCustom.ascx, and add the following content to hide the app installer action from the websites list:
<script type="text/javascript">
Atomia.VM.sites.columns[5].render = function (data, type, row) {
var actionData = row[5] ? JSON.parse(row[5]) : {};
var subdomain = row[0];
var websiteName = row[1];
var templateData = {
canEdit: actionData.canEdit,
canDelete: actionData.canDelete,
canMigrate: actionData.canMigrate,
canInstallOCI: false,
previewUrl: actionData.previewUrl
return Atomia.Shared.renderKoTemplate('websiteActionsCell', templateData);