HOWTO Change theme in HCP,BCP, Order page and Identity

In order to make changes for themes in Atomia Applications, you have to follow rules and regulations regarding Atomia configuration files and transformation. More information about it, you can find on following links:

  1. Depending on application that you want to change theme, list of available themes is stored into files:

  • For HCP Application, a list of available themes is located in file appConfig.config under section <themeList> . File is located in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\App_Data

  • For BCP Application, list of available themes are located in file appConfig.config under section <themeList>. File is located in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\BillingCustomerPanel\App_Data

  • For Order page Application, a list of available themes is stored in file Web.Config file under section <themeList>. File is located in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\PublicOrderPage

  • For Identity Application, a list of available themes is stored in file Web.Config file under section <themeList>. File is located in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\Identity\STS

  • isActive => defines the theme that is active by default. Switching themes manually can be done by adding the query string ?theme=ThemeName to URL of page you are visiting in the application.

  • Name => name of theme

  • parentTheme => the theme that the custom theme is based on. Fallback for files that are not overridden in custom theme.

  1. Copy any files you want to customize for a new theme from the parent theme to corresponding folder in your custom theme. Depending on what application theme you want to update your theme folder will be located under that application. IMPORTANT: Do not copy files that you do not want to change from the NewDefault or Default theme to your own custom theme, especially not view files. This might lead to your theme breaking if and when there are updates to the NewDefault and Default themes.


    • For Order page application it needs to be stored into folder located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\PublicOrderPage\Themes

    • For HCP application it needs to be stored into folder located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\Themes

  • In order to add a new theme, depending on Application where you want to insert new theme, it is necessary to make transformation file, either transformation file of appConfig.config or Web.config file and store it in folder “Transformation file” that is located in the same folder as the appConfig.config or Web.config file.

      • For Order page application it needs to be stored into folder located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\PublicOrderPage\Transformation Files

      • For HCP application it needs to be stored into folder located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Atomia\HostingControlPanel\App_Data\Transformation Files.