HOW TO Change the list of available applications for Installatron
Atomia uses Installatron for a faster, hassle free installation of popular web applications for your websites, which is integrated into Atomia's customer panel for easy accessibility for end customers.
For the list of supported applications by Installatron , you can look here.
Now, via this article, we will look briefly how this list can be configured based on your needs , so you can provide these or new applications - when they are supported - to your customers.
Accessing the Web interface
First of all, we will need the credentials given when, first, finishing the setup of Installatron.
Now through a browser, you can visit the Installatron's Admin GUI.
The URL can be found for your specific environment, where Automation server is installed in the following file : Atomia\AutomationServer\Common\Resources.xml
Here, we need to search for Installatron's module.
So, open the file with an editor and search for Installatron, in order to locate the module "Atomia.Provisioning.Modules.Installatron.Installatron".
Under <resourceList> section and , you will find the property URL.
This is the value, we need to use in order to reach Installatron's web interface.
Once inside the Panel:
1) We navigate via the top menu to "Admin" button, that resembles two cog wheels on the top right corner (Note 1).
2) From left menu panel, and under "Applications", we click on "Access Control" (Note 2).
From here, we can:
- view the list of available applications
- change
- and gather information such as:
a) the type of application,
b) whether it supports DB,
c) defined DB prefixes through Advanced Installation, etc.
Once, we have reviewed and applied needed changes, we simply click on the "Save All" button at the bottom right corner.
From there, Atomia's modules will make sure to make these changes available to end customer's through the respective screen under "Application Installer" for end users.