Query: List of active websites (Linux and Windows) and their activated mail support services
The queries are intended for MSSQL platform against Atomia..Provisioning2 database
List of active websites (Linux and Windows) with creation date
select ls.creation_time, p.param_value from service_logical_struct ls inner join ucp_services ps on ps.service_id = ls.fk_sid inner join params p on p.fk_sid = ps.service_id where ls.status = 'Ok' and param_name = 'Hostname' and (name = 'CsWindowsWebsite' or name = 'CsLinuxWebsite') and ls.fk_account_id = 'xxx'
instead of xxx, put customer number
List of active mail support services with creation date for active websites (Linux and Windows)
select ls.creation_time, p.param_value
from service_logical_struct ls
inner join ucp_services ps on ps.service_id = ls.fk_sid
inner join params p on p.fk_sid = ps.service_id
inner join service_logical_struct lsp on ls.parent_id = lsp.lid
inner join ucp_services psp on psp.service_id = lsp.fk_sid
where ps.status = 'Ok'
and psp.status = 'Ok'
and (psp.name = 'CsWindowsWebsite' or psp.name = 'CsLinuxWebsite')
and ps.name = 'CsMailSupport'
and p.param_name = 'Domain'
and ls.fk_account_id = 'xxx'
instead of xxx, put customer number